Jan. 4, 2023

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know at Each New Beginning | Ep 52

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know at Each New Beginning |  Ep 52

This episode is about fresh starts and new beginnings, but not all new beginnings are created equal. Some changes are basic and very subtle. But others require us entrepreneurs to look deep within ourselves in order to find the commitment necessary. If you’re ready to make a true transformational change, then join me as I share how to gain an understanding of how to get real traction, and get everything you want out of that new business project or opportunity. 

In this episode, I talk about…..

  • Static, dynamic, and transformational change.
  • Two changes that transformed my life.
  • A 7-step process to seeing the full picture and gaining clarity.
  • Choice vs reaction.

This episode is filled with tools and strategies to maximize your profit, grow your business, and reclaim your freedom! Take a listen!

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