June 8, 2022

Thriving amidst disruption | Ep 22

Today, I’m talking about the big “R” word - recession. With everything going on in the world, we’ve entered into an economic downturn with a potential recession looming in the distance. But amidst all of these disruptions, there are still opportunities for entrepreneurs to thrive in their businesses. When everyone else is taking a hit, there is still a way for you to win in a downturn market!

In this episode, I talk about…..

  • Why preparing for these downturns is important. 
  • How the business cycle resembles the four seasons.
  • Learning from the past to predict the future. 
  • Three key factors to consider when preparing for inevitable change.

This episode is full of tools and strategies to maximize your profit, grow your business, and reclaim your freedom! Take a listen!

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