May 25, 2022

Slaying the Self Talk Saboteur | Ep 20

Slaying the Self Talk Saboteur | Ep 20

Do you have an inner voice that constantly berates you with negativity? When situations arise and that voice gets going, it can feel impossible to turn it off and return to working at a productive level. The problem is that for high-performing entrepreneurs, they are usually their own worst critics. In this episode, I’m discussing what it means to slay this self-talk saboteur and rather, how to turn your inner critic into an advocate that increases your productivity and helps you focus on things that will make you more money and become a higher performer.

In this episode, I talk about…..

  • How bad a situation really needs to be before it becomes real.
  • The story I told myself when an obstacle arose in my business just this week.
  • The science behind how negative talk affects our mental and physical responses.
  • Three easy steps to silence your inner critic and turn them into your advocate.

This episode is full of tools and strategies to maximize your profit, grow your business, and reclaim your freedom! Take a listen!

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