Jan. 25, 2023

ABCs of Selling | Ep 55

ABCs of Selling | Ep 55

Do you view sales as an opportunity or do you simply view it as a four-letter word? We sell every single day without even realizing it, but it’s still a business skill that many entrepreneurs consider their weakest. I want to share with you the ABCs of selling that will help you to master the art of persuasion, increase your sales, and put more money in your pocket. SPOILER ALERT -  they may not be what you think…

In this episode, I talk about…..

  • The ABCs of selling and their meaning.
  • My recent experience with sales and where they went wrong.
  • Value-based selling.
  • Understanding the sales process.
  • Belief statements and their components.
  • Language patterns to drive belief change.

This episode is full of tools and strategies to maximize your profit, grow your business, and reclaim your freedom! Take a listen!

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